Crew the Golden Rule peace boat

Helen, Ed, Dave, Michael on board Golden Rule    Credit: Veterans for Peace

By Helen Jaccard, Disarm / End Wars Issues Committee

The Golden Rule sails to the Pacific Northwest this year, leaving Humboldt Bay at the end of May and returning in mid-October.We need crew and captains (no license necessary). Sail with us and be an ambassador for peace, nuclear disarmament, clean energy and a sustainable future. 

Sailing the Golden Rule is a lot of fun! She's is 34 ft long with a wide 11 ft breadth and a 5 ft draft, making her very stable and easy to sail.

You can come aboard for just a few days if you have limited time. We encourage veterans, women, youth, indigenous people, people of color and various nationalities, and people with manageable disabilities to apply, even if you have only limited sailing experience. 

The crew selection committee starts meeting in early April, so if you want to be part of the first round of consideration for crew, send your application as soon as possible.

The crew application form can be downloaded at (under the Donate/Help/Crew menu).Return the application to

Welcome aboard!


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