Consider Holding Regional Gatherings Between Triennial Congresses

By George Friday
WILPF US Program Chair

May 2024

Could your branch benefit from a meeting with other branches in your state and/or the states surrounding you?  Holding an in-person or online gathering of branches in your “region” would be a great way to connect, share common concerns and recommendations to those concerns, as well as to hold discussions as a preliminary to future Triennial Congresses.  

What can you create by gathering to consider kinds of actions, events, or ongoing efforts you can conduct, perhaps with allies, such as any potential ‘fusion’ partners (see below) in your location, state or region?

I’ll give the example of United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ). In addition to WILPF, I work with UFPJ. Late 2022, I had been feeling the problems due to the loss of regular meetings and strategic discussions with colleagues, peers, and members of the Peace and Justice communities. I had suggested to UFPJ that we hold an online regional gathering. Such a gathering would give folks the chance to connect and share their priorities and concerns for peace and justice work in their region and to make action plans together. 

In March 2023, UFPJ held a regional gathering for states near the Great Lakes. About 65 people registered for that Gathering and nearly 50 attended. One of the goals for the Gathering was to model the Poor People's Campaign's fusion organizing. Learning to practice the kind of fusion organizing that the Poor People's Campaign has been doing for the last 4-5 years can be a benefit for many of us. 

Perhaps a regional WILPF US gathering – this year, next year or before the next WILPF US Triennial Congress – would be a good idea for your state or your region. Consider holding a regional gathering in your area for several nearby branches, for your state, or for a larger area. It's an excellent way to maintain a member-driven bottom-up process that can help inform and evaluate the work of WILPF US. 

Having such an event happen before each Congress helps us each be more informed with ideas and bring these and enthusiasm to shape the future and direction of our amazing and important organization.


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