Burlington VT Observes Hiroshima Day

By Robin Lloyd
Burlington, VT Branch

September 2024

Burlington WILPF held a Hiroshima Commemorative event Tuesday, August 6, in the BCA Center in Burlington VT. It featured several eloquent speakers and a taped recording of hibakusha Hideko Tamura. It is posted on Public Television CCTV.

In addition, in front of City Hall, artist and activist Jim Geier displayed his ‘Dot Chart’, first made in 1981. The one dot in the center represents all the megatonnage used by both warring sides in WW2. The surrounding dots represent the amount of nuclear ‘fire power' the world has built up since then to demolish each other. (Jim is working on an update to the chart.)

Jim Geier
Jim Geier pointing to the dot chart in front of City Hall; Credit: Burlington VT Branch

Later, a few of us went to Lake Champlain to float candle boats and a lantern, and we read parts of resolution HR 77 that we are hoping Congresswoman Becca Balint will sign. The bill embraces the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.


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