“Oily Wells” 3-Day March Protests Wells Fargo’s Fossil Fuel Investments

Oily Wells marchers

“Oily Wells” marchers gather in Palo Alto on March 16. Photo: Cherill Spencer.

By Judy Adams
Peninsula/Palo Alto Branch

Peninsula/Palo Alto CA branch member Roberta Ahlquist worked hard with members of 350.org and other environmental groups and environmentalists on a 3-day march and rally (March 16-18) from Palo Alto to Wells Fargo bank headquarters in the San Francisco Financial district. Here’s her report on the events:

“Today we are facing climate chaos all over the world. Students and other activists are organizing around the world to educate people about the severity of climate change. I joined up with 350.org to march from Palo Alto to San Francisco over three days, to protest Wells Fargo's involvement in funding the fossil fuel industry.

Our protest was titled ‘Oily Wells’ and you can see much more information about us on oilywells.com. I marched segments of the march and then met up with marchers in San Francisco and participated in the rally, as one of many ‘arrest-ables’ committing civil disobedience, but we were not arrested. We were told we wouldn't be arrested unless we blocked the street until 3 am, which we weren’t up for. The rally had wonderful people, super speakers, and music.”

Roberta continued, “The march and rally were powerful even though the corporate press hardly covered our 3-day action. We did make a statement and will continue to draw in more folks.”

She concluded by saying, “We need many more to join such actions until we put enough pressure on these fossil fuel funders such that they will withdraw from contributing to climate chaos. Please talk with family, friends, your community about the need to build a larger movement to push back against the banks who fund the fossil fuel industry. We are running out of time for our planet!”

I (Judy) saw the marchers off from Stanford Shopping Center early on Saturday. morning, with WILPFer Cherrill Spencer, who took photos, and Pat L., one of the faithful non-WILPFers regularly at our  peace and justice demonstrations every Friday.

Before the marchers started out on their first day of the 3-day march to San Francisco (with overnights along the way), everyone was visibly moved by prayers to Mother Earth and Father Sun by the indigenous participants (who later marched at the front of the column as it departed). We were blessed by the fragrant smoke of a traditional burning sage bundle, a reminder of our responsibilities to protect our planet.

I had the opportunity to follow the lead car as the marchers went down El Camino to Menlo Park, honking my car’s horn all the way, to happy waves from the stalwart, spirited marchers.  

Read more coverage of the march in Indybay, where Roberta is pictured in the lead photo. Look for her on the right, behind the barrel, in a red T-shirt.

Inset Photo: Indigenous women lead prayers on the first day of the “Oily Wells” march, which started in Palo Alto. Photo: Cherill Spencer.


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