Protesters Witness Vandenberg ICBM Test Launch, Plus Other Actions To Take

For several decades, WILPF members and other anti-nuclear weapons activists have been demonstrating at the Vandenberg Space Force Base on the coast of central California during the test launches of ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles). WILPF member MacGregor Eddy and others organized the protest, which took place on the night of Feb. 18 and 19, 2025. Protest supporters across the US virtually accompanied the protesters at the base entrance via a Zoom gathering. Protesters were there to remind the world that ICBMs are a threat to everyone–including those they’re supposed to defend.
The main speaker at the Vandenberg protest was Elizabeth Murray, who served as Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East in the National Intelligence Council (i.e., the CIA) before retiring after a 27-year career in the US government. She is a member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). The protest was recorded, and we will announce when the recording becomes available.
Upcoming Actions to Work for a Nuclear-Free Future
- Several members of the WILPF US DISARM/End Wars Issue Committee will attend the Third Meeting of the States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (3MSP to TPNW) at the United Nations in New York City from March 3 to 7. You can follow the daily activities of this crucial meeting by signing up for the daily newsletters from WILPF’s Reaching Critical Will. Check “nuclear weapon ban treaty.”
- The Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) is a national network of organizations addressing nuclear weapons production and waste cleanup issues. Our DISARM member, Ellen Thomas, has attended their “DC Days” for many years and recommends this several-day meeting in DC, where attendees are trained to lobby members of Congress and visit members to discuss the need to abolish nuclear weapons and do a better job of cleaning up nuclear waste. Their next DC Days will take place from June 8 to 11. To benefit from the lowest registration fees, register before April 1.
- We are asking WILPF US members to help gather signatures on two ongoing petitions. The first petition aims for a new peace treaty. The second aims to abolish nuclear weapons. You can read more information about the treaties below:
- In preparation for the 1932 Geneva Disarmament Conference, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) gathered the signatures of six million anti-war individuals. The time has come for WILPF to collect millions of signatures again! This time it will be much easier–it can be done online. In the hope of obtaining an enduring peace treaty, please sign and share the petition. Visit A Future Without War’s homepage to learn more. While there, please watch the newest Project Enduring Peace (PEP) video entitled “Ending War is Possible. Here’s Why and How.”
Scan the QR code to
sign the Treaty on the
Prohibition of Nuclear
Weapons.As of February 2025, the WILPF US petition supporting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons had more than 3,000 signatures online and more than 7,000 signatures on hardcopy petition sheets. Let’s make it a million signatures! Please sign and share the petition. Click the link or scan the QR code to access the petition.
- We encourage you to attend the “Women in Conflict Zones” webinar on March 19. This webinar is sponsored by some of WILPF’s partners and endorsed by some WILPF US branches.
Please Join Our Disarm/End Wars Issue Committee
We welcome new members to our committee. We meet by Zoom on the second and last Sundays of each month at 4:30 p.m. PST, 6:30 p.m. CT, 7:30 p.m. EST. Contact us at to receive the Zoom link and request to join the DISARM listserv.