
Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 08:24

Speakers on an August 21 panel will describe the extent of global spending on war and provide strategies activists can use to push down the military budget so public funds can go toward meeting human needs.

Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 08:18

Cuba needs our support more than ever to end the 60+ year old US blockade! Join us at our Saturday, August 14 Congress panel to hear from women who know the true story of what is happening in Cuba, and to learn actions you can take in solidarity. By C. Domingo.

Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 08:09

On August 15, four knowledgeable speakers will talk about nuclear radiation, radioactive waste and fallout from nuclear weapons testing, and their effects on women and children in particular. By E. Thomas.

Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 08:04

On August 14, the Ann Arbor Branch, DISARM/End Wars and Earth Democracy Issue Committees will present a view of “Feminist Foreign Policy” given by Dr. Patricia Hynes, director of the Traprock Center for Peace and Justice from 2010-2021. By N. Price.

Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 07:57

Boston WILPF members gathered to celebrate May Takayanagi’s 97th birthday. May has supported WILPF for more than 40 years because it opposed Japanese internment during WWII. By E. Kurkoski.

Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 07:52

The Advancing Human Rights Committee has had two revitalizing meetings and will meet again on Monday, August 30. Please join us! By J. Goddard.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 - 05:26

In weekday Zoom presentations at the upcoming WILPF US Congress, branch members and initiatives will share their knowledge and experience on a wide range of topics. Register now! By M. Hanson Harrison.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 - 05:21

Join the All-WILPF Members Program Committee Meeting on Tuesday, July 6, to learn about the Biden administration’s Cuba policy, Cuba’s success in developing a vaccine, and the syringe shortage hampering vaccination efforts. By L. Villagomez Reeves.

Monday, June 28, 2021 - 13:58

After a harrowing few days, the Golden Rule anti-nuclear sailboat arrived safely into San Francisco Bay on June 1. Come see the boat this summer in Berkeley. Next up: The “Great Loop”! By G. Condon and H. Jaccard.

Monday, June 28, 2021 - 12:55

The desperate humanitarian crisis in Yemen continues. Please contact your representatives now to ask for ending US arms sales that have fueled this war, and opening ports and airports so food and aid can reach civilians. By O. Hugonot Haber.
