
Sunday, October 31, 2021 - 13:57

Read more about the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (the COP26 Summit) and how Maine is impacted by warming. Check out the COP26 petition and learn more about the connections between Military & Warning. By: C. DeTroy and M. Spiess.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 09:12

Updates about what is going on with WILPF committees and current events within WILPF US.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 08:54

In part 1, I introduced the distinction between “inner” work – addressing the personal awareness, attitudes, and unconscious biases of WILPF members – and “outer” work – addressing race-related injustices in education, employment, the law, etc. Now in part 2, I’ll elaborate more on these two aspects of anti-racism activism.  By: D. De Lu.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 08:46

De-escalation as a tactic instead of violence and war? The Peace Resource Center San Diego (PRCSD) offers nonviolent alternatives to conflict resolution and carries on a program of peace education throughout San Diego County. The PRCSD collaborated with WILPF San Diego in a presentation during WILPF US’s 34th Triennial Congress which fostered great discussion about de-escalation. By: A. Barron. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 08:36

October is the month to continue mobilizing for System Change Not Climate Change! Plan to join climate marches, demonstrations, rallies and #FridaysForFutures. Together, we must all loudly and clearly call out for climate justice for people and the planet. By: N. Price.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 08:14

The monthly One WILPF national organizing calls have been giving WILPF members from across the country a chance to connect with one another and WILPF US for nearly six years.  Now we’re looking for a volunteer or intern to join our team as a ‘production assistant’. Read on if you know someone who might be a good ‘fit’ for us!  By ONE WILPF Calls Team 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 08:04

Peninsula/Palo Alto branch celebration and dedication of a Torii Peace Gate at Menlo College installation for Silicon Valley 2021 sculpture event, Sept. 23-26 in Atherton, CA. By: J. Adams. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 07:50

Research shows that internationally, there is a high percentage of women leadership. The United States ranks 71st with 27.6 percent women elected to the House of Representatives; it is clear that the US falls short. Imagine how the world and environment would be if it was women-led! By: A. Hoiberg. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 07:19

October 2-9, 2021 is Keep Space for Peace Week. Check out the Keep Space for Peace Week webpage, where you can find many events dedicated to space and peace organized by many organizations. Now is the time for us to gather internationally and call for protection of the space environment from greed, pollution and war. Join us by organizing a local public event in your community during Keep Space for Peace Week. By: E. Thomas. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 06:51

October is Filipino-American History Month (FAHM) and it is a month of celebrating events, experiences, identity, and the lives of people and their impact on society. It is important to acknowledge the painful history of struggle for human rights in the Philippines due to the past corrupt political system. The ongoing struggle for human rights, particularly women’s rights, under the dictatorship of President Rodrigo Duterte has elicited a US congressional response — the Philippines Human Rights Act (PHRA). By: N. Abeleda.
