
Monday, August 29, 2022 - 11:23

Do you use Facebook? Instagram? Linked-in? If so, lend your skills to WILPF US! We are hoping to amplify our message and involve younger generations of WILPFers by using social media and starting a new Communications Committee. Read on for ways to get involved! 

Monday, August 29, 2022 - 08:59

Reading reflects and helps us understand the world we live in, strengthens the imagination, and is an important part of creative activism. Let’s start a Virtual WILPF Book Club and create a community of readers to engage in conversations together, as a way to support to our actions for social justice. 

Monday, August 29, 2022 - 08:51

Four novels published by Apprentice House explore the tensions and dynamics of social justice work through complex characters, timely political questions, and masterful writing. We come to know more about human condition through author Dorothy Van Soest’s empathic and multidimensional characters— a perfect choice for your social justice book club! 

Monday, August 29, 2022 - 08:45
WILPF members attend a participatory community art project in commemoration of Hiroshima. Photo credit: Judy Adams

Hiroshima Day acknowledgements in Palo Alto included a day of participatory artmaking led by artist Yoko Tahara, whose ecological sculpture reflects on the impact of nuclear weapons on water and fish. WILPFers contributed by making prints using the artist’s hand carved wooden blocks. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 18:16

The Poor People’s Campaign Rally in DC on June 18th brought together WILPFers from across the U.S. in a show of solidarity and mutual support. Emily Keel provides an update on continuing WILPF-PPC collaboration and upcoming PPC events.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 18:16

The Burlington Branch participated in an Africa Day Celebration to honor the history and culture of the African diasporic community in Vermont. WILPFers prepare for the VT WILPF Gathering in Rochester, VT, with presentations from Branch members and a viewing of the second half of the WILPF Int’l Congress. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 18:15

If you consider yourself an activist, then (I hope!) you’re aware that issues of race have, again, come to the forefront. To provide a contemporary foundation for the “inner work” of addressing structural racism, the WILPF US National Board participated in a special 5 ½ hour interactive presentation on multiple aspects of how racism impacts individuals and organizations. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 18:14

The UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women urges the U.S. to adhere to its Convention and agree to protect the sexual and reproductive rights of Americans. Cuba has shown that advancing the human rights of women, families, and all people, is possible! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 18:13

We remember the inspiring lives of WILPF members Edith Bell, Miriam Thompson, and Lucy Nichol. We are grateful for their important contributions to WILPF and their legacies as activists for justice and equity in their communities and beyond.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022 - 04:50

Money, Women and Democracy meeting will address housing inequity; DISARM Committee plans to celebrate the anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bombing– how will your Branch honor the day with a tradition of peace? Join the Advancing Human Rights committee and help move forward initiatives for racial justice! WILPFers gather to celebrate the re-start of the WILPF DC Branch, and more Committee Updates! 
