Women, Money & Democracy Committee Engages New Members & Plans Retreat for Future Strategies

While recruiting new members, forging new collaborations and doing remarkable outreach, W$D Committee will be doing strategic planning for the next 2-5 years at a half day planning retreat on Sunday, Nov. 14th (9am-noon pacific/noon-3pm eastern/11am-2pm central). All Committee members are invited to participate. It’s just the latest effort at reshaping the Committee’s plans to take advantage of both an activist drive and an analytic imperative. Read more about this dynamic committee and how you can get involved.  By: M. Gardam.

WILPF US Racial Justice Work Part 2: Looking Out, Looking In

In part 1, I introduced the distinction between “inner” work – addressing the personal awareness, attitudes, and unconscious biases of WILPF members – and “outer” work – addressing race-related injustices in education, employment, the law, etc. Now in part 2, I’ll elaborate more on these two aspects of anti-racism activism.  By: D. De Lu.

De-escalation Starts With Us

De-escalation as a tactic instead of violence and war? The Peace Resource Center San Diego (PRCSD) offers nonviolent alternatives to conflict resolution and carries on a program of peace education throughout San Diego County. The PRCSD collaborated with WILPF San Diego in a presentation during WILPF US’s 34th Triennial Congress which fostered great discussion about de-escalation. By: A. Barron. 

Earth Democracy

October is the month to continue mobilizing for System Change Not Climate Change! Plan to join climate marches, demonstrations, rallies and #FridaysForFutures. Together, we must all loudly and clearly call out for climate justice for people and the planet. By: N. Price.

Build Experience as a Production Assistant for the ONE WILPF Call Team!

The monthly One WILPF national organizing calls have been giving WILPF members from across the country a chance to connect with one another and WILPF US for nearly six years.  Now we’re looking for a volunteer or intern to join our team as a ‘production assistant’. Read on if you know someone who might be a good ‘fit’ for us!  By ONE WILPF Calls Team 
