
By Dixie Hairston

As I take a few minutes to myself to reflect on the week so many things come to mind. Actually, I feel like I have almost reached the maximum capacity of new thoughts my brain will allow. Three weeks from now I will, hopefully, have processed through everything I have seen, heard and done this week enough to put together a series of coherent thoughts. For now, unfortunately for you readers, I will do my best to convey my thoughts as articulately as possible.

I find myself a WILPF delegate by way of the Practicum program offered by WILPF-US. As a social work graduate student specializing in policy I jumped on the chance to be part of the practicum and was incredibly excited to be selected as a delegate. This experience has both energized and humbled me in many ways but particularly in the following areas of my life.

As a young person…
As a young person just beginning to formulate my identity as an activist, I am truly inspired by the women AND men pioneers I have met this week that have blazed the trail for women like me. Activists that have not just helped open more doors for my generation but have forced them open through grit and perseverance that I have not yet recognized within myself. I thank those activists for their continued work on behalf of all humans.

However, throughout the week there has been a common call for the involvement of more young people in the conversation but I see many young women. I hear ‘where are the young voices’ but I hear many young women speaking up and speaking out. I hear ‘who will be there in the future’ but I see passionate, capable young women ready and willing to take up the torch. Therefore, I believe that it not young women but the space for their voices to be heard that is missing. That being said, WILPF is working toward achieving this through the Practicum. Young, vibrant and passionate voices have been heard this week through the practicum that would not otherwise have been heard at CSW.

As a social worker…
As a social worker I come away from this experience slightly disappointed in the representation of my profession on the global level. However, I also strongly believe in tackling issues from a strengths-based perspective and see a great opportunity for freshly minted social workers such as myself to revitalize the voice of the profession in the international policy arena. The values that we hold most dear as a profession are also those found at the heart of sustainable development. I am motivated to work towards a ensuring that the global voice of social workers is strong, vibrant and innovative.

As an activist…
As an activist I am both intimidated and energized by the road ahead. It is long. It is rocky. It is the one less traveled. It is the one that leads to peace. Paradoxically, this week has both broadened my view of the world while giving my activism a focus that was not there before. I am ready to take what I have learned this week back to my community and work towards my advocacy goals with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

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